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Friday, March 12, 2010

Fake Diploma and Degree cert on internet

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Life has change. Now it is even harder day by day to maintain or move on our life as the world now no matter anywhere you are is becoming more and more competitive. Each and anyone of us will wish to live in an up to date life so they work even want to work even harder than other people but when there is challenger they will hope to beat them up and become the best among the best so that they can get maximum benefits and rewards in life. For example, all parents from young will often send their children to tuition, classes like piano, ballet, and many more type follow by school too.

Children nowadays no longer like children in the pass 20 to 30 years behind. They now no longer have very excitement childhood like the children before. Since young they have already expose too many kinds of challengers and also heavy timetable and they are just so use to it. Therefore children lately have much more better result than before as this is a purpose for them to get an entry to enter high school, university and also work. Therefore many children and parents will force themselves to work for the best only.

Like now, many big companies or enterprise include government department also choose the best people to work for them. As now there are more and more people with good grades graduate from universities and also a holder of degree, master or PHD. However jobs are limited so this had make the qualifications become high and higher when they want to hired someone to work for them. In the past we only able to see the requirement need for a clerk maybe someone who had finish form 3 or form 5 which able to speak English and Malay for most but now the world had change even a general clerk must be someone who had finish their studies in secondary school with passes in their form 5 examinations and above. It will be best if there is someone who able to speak more than three general language like English, Malay and Mandarin with other alternatives like Indian language, Spanish, Japanese or Korean for those company who had business transaction with companies in other countries.

Due to all these reasons, for certain people who are slightly weaker than those people that manage to adapt to the world change so fast they will try to use other alternatives to get at least a work to survive in such competitive world advancement. The best way now is many people are using fake certificates which are not qualified by recognized university to get an entry to the company and many companies end up hired people who are not qualified to work with the job offered which end up brings the company business in danger. Those people are so desperate to get a job by using such method and don’t mind using money to get it as it will be definitely cheaper for them to do it and faster for them to complete the course compared to the original course.

Many cases had happen as there are many frauds create by some people to con the desperate victims who are having such difficulties and all these people that get con are people who had problems in life and also greedy that’s why this frauds can be effective to them. Sometime when we on computer and surf the internet we can see some pop up like “How to get a degree in three months time” or “How to get a degree for RM300” or even “Do you want to get a better life then join us”. Common sense a degree will need at least 3years to complete how would it be possible for it to complete in three months time? Although local university fees may be cheap but how can you complete a degree for only RM300? Besides that to get a better life, do you think we will have to have a degree? Even you have a degree it may not able to lead you in a better life right? All these are just so impossible but people use to believe it. As the greediness attitude in their heart had make them believe such impossible statement, articles and pop ups.

Remember that nothing comes easy if we don’t work hard to get it. Never ever try to think of short cuts as short cut may not be the best solution in life and it may lead you to certain type of crimes and this will be the killer of yourself in life. If this really happen you may not get any trust from anyone in any companies. Remember that good or bad information’s are easily being spread around with the advancement of technologies. It is impossible you will runaway in such problem and this will make your name and identity bad forever. Isn’t it not worth at all just because of some greediness you lose your whole life?

In this world there are also many types of ways to work out our life. Not everyone who study in the area like business, law or even medical only will get better life. If you are not able to study for areas of study then, work in another area which use or learn to do more handworks than theoretical studies for example like technician or mechanics. Although some they don’t offer certificates but you can work or do examples to prove to your boss or management in the companies. This can also make you work longer and work happily in life. When you like your job you will probably work harder and you will think it is easier for you compare to work hard and pressure yourselves in areas that do not suits you.

Therefore, we must always remember nothing comes easily. Do what we can by using our own ability not by using short cuts ways. If we will able to do so those frauds online will not able to attract us and when there are problems for sure they will not come out to admit and you will end up have to suffer for all these unnecessary pressures and problems. IT IS JUST SO NOT WORTH IT. ALWAYS think before YOU DO.

Reference:Eyal Ben Cohen, Accredibase Report exposes multi-billion dollar international fake diploma fraud, Newswire, [Online], Retrieved on 11 March 2010.

Reference:Kristina,How to buy a right fake Degree, Articlesnatch, [Online], Retrieved on 12 March 2010.

Reference:Accredibase Report exposes international fake degree fraud, The home of UK recruitment news, [Online], Retrieved on 12March 2010.



  1. Fake degrees are in demand ,many customers looking to replace a lost or damaged diploma or degree. Many graduates find that schools only issue one copy of a diploma per student and do not allow replacements in the future.

  2. There are many websites that offer life experience degree and other fake diplomas, which look 100% authentic.

  3. You should determine the effect that you would like the fake diploma to have on an observer. For example, if you want to make a fool out of others, get a doctorate degree in a field that is similar to the one in which you work.

  4. I am collecting information regarding fake degree. Actually I have lost my degree and it's not recovered through my university so for continuing my job I have to buy a fake degree. Please share some advice for me.

  5. Without fail, your writing style is top professional; even your website also looks amazing thank you for posting. best fake college diploma
