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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Good and Bad of Hacking

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People tend to associate hacking as a bad thing to do. But, what does hacking actually means? Is it hacking is all about illegal acts and crimes? The definition of hacking depends on who you ask. As there will be people giving you positive definition while some of the people will give you negative definition on hacking. However, Bruce Sterling, author of The Hacker Crackdown, gives a positive view and explains the term hack as it “can signify the freewheeling intellectual exploration of the highest and deepest potential of computer systems. It is true. Hacking has its bad site as well its good side.

References: Donn B. Parker, 1998, Fighting Computer Crime, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., United State of America.

The Good of Hacking:

Some of the individuals and organizations conduct security audits and research, and then publish their findings. These findings help the users who are not familiar with the security to understand more and protect their security system. Besides, it helps to protect the online society from security risks and being exploited. In short, hacking is considered as good when it is used to find security holes and then help to fix the problems or develop security tools and techniques to fight against the security risks.

The Bad of Hacking:

Hacking becomes harmful when the hackers break into others’ computer systems to steal information such as financial information like bank account passwords or other corporate confidential information in order to gain…. Hence, it becomes an Internet crime where the hacker will be sentenced to a few years in prison under the Internet laws which we are going to discuss in the following post.

References: The Benefits of Hacking: A Different Perspective for
the Security Conscious [Online], Retrieved on 9th March 2010, URL:

In short, hacking has its good and bad sides. It is depends on how people use it and the intention of doing it. Anyways, there are ways to prevent you from becoming a victim of the hackers. The video below shows a easy step to stop hackers and key loggers.

Video taken from:



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