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Thursday, March 4, 2010

PayPal Scams

Online shopping have became a trend these days from buying clothes, accessories, toys, to antic things etc. online business are blooming like mushroom these days, creating blogs and website to promote their business and some are very successful. Purchasing via online is easy, convenient and flexible however there are its disadvantages-internet scams!

If you are an online shopper and uses Pay Pal be careful. There are tons of scammers targeting PayPal users by sending users an official looking email asking them to verify their account and personal information. The whole email looks as if its real by including its logo, graphics, and page format. These scammers will send emails saying that PayPal is trying to detect unused accounts and email addresses and Pay Pal has been encountering problems with their software and therefore files have been lost, whatever way the content of the page is written the main motif of these scammers are asking users to update or verify their personal and credit card information. There are times where forms provided for this purpose right in the email; other times there is a link directing the recipient of the email to another site where they are to enter their information.

The sole purpose of all this is to get a users details and cheat them out of money. Once these scammers get hold of this information these users will be the next victim of identity thief.
References: PayPal Scams, Scam Laws [Online], Retrieved on 1st March 2010, URL:

Here are few guidelines that users can follow to prevent from being a victim:-
1. Log in safely
Open a new window browser and type in PayPal’s URL

2. Check email greetings
PayPal always address their users by their first and last name or the business associated with your PayPal account. However a PayPal scam email will address by using ‘Dear PayPal user’ or ‘Dear PayPal member.

3. Don’t download and share personal information by email
PayPal will never send you attachments to download and will also never ask for passwords and financial information through an email.

4. Password safety
Keep your password private and confidential don’t share it with others if you doubt anyone knows change it immediately. Try using a more secure password by choosing a more unique password for example a combination of alphabets, numbers and symbols. Don’t use the same password for PayPal and other online services like, Yahoo, MSN, etc, as using the same password will increase the likelihood that someone could learn your password and gain access to your account.

References: PayPal, Security Tips and Fraud Prevention


  1. Hi Camilynn,

    Yeah. It's true. Thanks for recommendating and willing to share the website with us! Indeed, it's an useful website! Continue to support our blog! Have a nice day^^


  2. I get $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what major companies are paying for. They need to know what their customer base needs and wants. So big companies pay millions of dollars each month to the average person. In return, the average person, like me and you, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.
