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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Poll Results-Internet Laws

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Nowadays we are so dependent on the internet that we do almost everything via the internet. However because of that there are irresponsible people who are taking advantage of these by creating scams scamming through users account. These victims will fall to their trap and lose everything they have. Therefore is there a legal internet law that protects us from being a victim? Do we have a right to ask for justice? Last week’s poll question we ask our readers to vote asking whether they are aware of the existence of internet law that can protect then form being scammed. Below are the results.


Half of them said no, they are not aware about any law that got to do with scamming. Where else 30% of the readers answered, not really where they have heard about it but not sure whether it really exist. The rest of the 22% of the readers answered yes that they are aware of these internet laws.
Stay tune for our next week’s post where we are going to talk about laws that can protect you and bureaus that you can go to and lodge a report and earn back your rights.



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