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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Podcast - Lottery Scams 彩票欺诈(六合彩诈骗)

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Hey congratulations, you have won in a lucky draw and you will soon receive a cheque worth $600,000 U.S. Cash!”

Does it sound great? Yeah of course right?

But pause a minute and think carefully there is no free lunch in this world everything we have theres a price to pay for.
Lately lottery scams in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore have rouse tremendously working out towards the citizens.
As we read we feel sadness and think back why are these people so ridiculous however the same incident have happen again and again to people without them realizing they have been conned.

So how does this lottery scams works?

In Malaysia and Singapore it is legal for the citizens to buy lotteries. So many people will hope that they pay out such a small amount of money hoping to get more money in return. Especially when the economy is down more people will want try their luck.
Nowadays people tend to focus on overseas lottery like America, Singapore, Australia as the currency is higher than us, and the winning money will be very much more then here locally. And this is where and how many people get con. As this scam operators are very smart and sneaky as they are able to speak in a very convincing manner explaining in details that you will never doubt it’s a scams to prove they even will send you emails and websites to prove to you that there is actually such thing but its all made up and fake.

Lottery scams is one of the most common types of email that we always receive in especially those emails that tell you, you have won a large amount of money in an international lottery or some others that are more o less the same please do not be so innocent to believe it and get too happy over it as this will make us lost our mind very fast. So when u hears all this remembers to stay away and do not believe it.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Podcast- Penipuan Hadiah Percuma Melalui Internet

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'Online Free Gifts Scams'

Im Tenesha, the title of my blog for this week is 'Online Free Gifts Scams'

Who doesn’t like free gifts or goods? Everyone likes free stuffs. Imagine a click of a button and we can get free gifts and goods! However pause just minute, do things come as simple as that? This is what people fail to realize and always find themselves trapped in internet frauds online advertisements about free gifts.

free gifts online can come in many forms from free goods, phone cards, free vouchers holiday packages, even free Wi-Fi and etc. A typical ad will be asking you to answer survey questions, complete sponsor offers or refer to few friends. The goods are expensive and valuable however some consumer don’t ever get their free goodies at all.

These sites indicates that by answering survey questions and you’ll get free goods however its more likely that you’re been registered in a drawing to win the item. Careless people always get trapped to these types of frauds because the initial advertisement of the site misrepresents the process of getting the freebies. The ad makes it so simple and easy however in reality the survey they sign up for may be in pages and in the end don’t necessarily receive anything at all.

Beware and make sure you only go to authorized sites here are few guidelines you can follow:

· Go with names that you recognize

Go to sites that you heard before. If you never heard of the company’s name goggle the name with the word ’scams’. If it’s a scams there will be complaints or articles about the company.\

· Get reliability report of the company

Uncover any complaints that have been filed under the name of the company from the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

· Check for the contact information

Look beyond emails address or contact form, look for address and telephone numbers and try calling if there’s anyone picks up. You don’t want get it one where the company doesn’t want you to contact them.

· Read the term and conditions and also the privacy policy

There might be hidden information and details that user may overlook at. Read every single line carefully especially regarding with your personal details.

· Look for trust marks and seals

Online trust marks are icons that tell you that these sites meets third party standards.


penipuan- scams

cabutan hadiah- lucky draw

awas- beware

pedoman- guidelines

kebolehpercayaan- reliability

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Penipuan Kencan Dalam Talian!- Malay Version of Online Dating Scam

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English-Translated Script

[00:00-00:11] Peace to all! Welcome to IFRAUD-Monster! Online dating scam! Will you become the next victim?

[00:12-00:13] Don’t worry!

[00:14-00:24] In IFRAUD-monster, we will share and provide tips for you to prevent yourself from falling into the trap of online dating scam.

[00:25-00:34] So, how do we know or identify online dating scam? The answer lies in the profile and messages sent by that particular people.

[00:35-00:47] The first thing that should be given attention is the profile display picture. Most of the times, online dating scammer will use attractive and sexy photo as bait.

[00:48-01:05] A scammer with a female identity will use a sexy and attractive picture as their profile picture, whereas, scammer who with a male identity uses good looking and macho picture as their profile picture to lure their ‘preys’.

[01:06-01:19] All these photos most likely are photos stolen from the websites, hence, the person in the picture also become the online scam victim too.

[01:19-01:27]So, never trust anyone hastily regarding their appearance on the profile.

[01:28-01:48] In addition, be cautious when you received e-mail that appeals for money assistance. After the scammers have gotten the trust and confidence from the potential victims, they will try to get empathy and ask money from the victim by claiming that they are in difficulty and the urgency.

[01:49-01:52] Clearly! This is an online dating scam!

[01:53-02:18]Next, you can check on the usage of English like grammar and apeeling in the message sent by that particular people. By checking the grammar and spelling in his or her message, you can identify if that person is a scammer, where they claim that they have a good educational background. For example, a degree holder or professor but he or she is weak in writing. 31)

[02:19:02-31] In conclusion, be careful when involving yourselves in online dating. Here, hope that you are able to learn something useful from this podcast!


Kencan dalam talian: Online dating
Penipuan kencan dalam talian: Online dating scam
Laman-laman web: Websites

Friday, February 19, 2010

Online Pharmacy Scam

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Have you ever heard of online pharmacy? What is an online pharmacy? If yes, do you trust purchasing medicine through online? There are many people nowadays loves to purchase medicine trust online because it is more convenience buy it online and they are also able to get the medicine that they want from other places through online. However, lately the benefit online pharmacies had been misused by people who had made many people got cheated. This is what we call as online pharmacy scam. This type of scams usually able to be identify as that people do this scams to the victims often persuade them by recommending them many different types of medicines and drugs in a very low price that able to attract and tempt them to buy it more and more. In addition there are also some victims that purchase that harmful medicine without any instructions and opinions from a doctor. Therefore these scams are very dangerous as it could actually causes human’s health and worst it may even causes death to a person.

There are always lots and lots of spam emails that convince people to purchase their medication through online transactions but actually the purpose of them doing so is to get the credit cards details of that victim or hoping to convince the victim to do cash transfer willingly to their account. So, for those people who ordered the products that they recommend from them through online without checking on it, it is very risky for them to consume it because it doesn’t provide any guarantee that prove the medication can cure and can be consume by them worst for people to is already very week it might cause unnecessary damage to the victims organ that will make health works badly.

As there is a case where there is a lady and she was one of the victims of scams like this. She found out a websites that she felt was really amazing where they sell medicine that could actually able to help her to cure her sickness but in the medicine box or the surface of the bottle it is without prescription but she just because she want to cure her sickness she went and purchase from this website and end up she got worst and her life time that doctor had predicted for her is even more shorter as the medicine had make certain parts of her body organs virus spread even more faster. This is the reason why her healths become worst after she consume. Remember never simply consume and medicine without any doctor’s advice or prescription.
Reference: Yvonne Rodenhiser,Spotting Online Pharmacy Scams: Learn from My Mistake, [Online], Retrieved on 17 Febuary 2010.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from these scams,
1)You should be more alert of the medicines offers not only through online but everywhere and much often have more encourage to seek for the care of professional like doctors and pharmacist.
2)Does not open any unsolicited links or email or even files that attached to them.
3)Do not enter any of your personal online account or credit cards information on a website that you are not sure whether it is a trustable website or not
4)Always check the website carefully because scammers always set up a fake website that looks very similar to the real websites to con the victims.

Reference: Online Pharmacy Tracker, Online Pharmacy Blacklist, [Online], Retrieved on 17 Febuary 2010.

Reference: Scamwatch,Fake online pharmacies, [Online], Retrieved on 18 Febuary 2010.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Website Cloning

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Website cloning these days are very popular. There are always websites and programs that teach you how to cone a website and also how the whole process does is done showing step by step instructions. Because of this there are some irresponsible people who take this opportunity to clone website and cheat user online. This scammers will clone famous websites that requires user to fill in their user name, password, personal information like bank account pin number, identification number and so on and the sole purpose is to illegally take their personal information and hack to their personal bank account. User will blindly type in all information asked without hesitating thinking it’s the real trusted website that have been logging into all this while.

To avoid being fooled here are some tips on how to check a site if its real:-

a. 1. Visit the banks website in the domain name in your browser

b. 2. Phone your bank to make sure if they requested for your details

c. c 3. You can also determine if the website is genuine a not by looking at language used on the website . if the it is fake the quality of language will be poor.

Other precautions to take:-

a. 1. Always check your bank account statements and balances especially if you use online banking and transactions.

b. 2. Be careful on what you download from the internet

c. c 3. Be careful while opening attachments via your email.

In this current world of technology everything is possible cloning a website is as easy as a,b,c this days for scammers these days its we as internet user that need to take the necessarily precautions as every click you click on the internet its your own responsibility.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Poll Result is Out!! (9th-16th February 2010)

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weekly poll result (9-16th feb)

Do you know what phishing is? The options for that poll question are ‘Yes. I know what it is and how it works.’; ‘No. What’s it? A game?’ and ‘Not sure. Heard before but don’t know how it works.’ The purpose of setting this poll question is to find out how well people know about phishing before we write a topic on phishing. If you have already voted for the poll last week, then I think you might want to know what will be the result of the poll. So now, let’s reveal the result of the poll in 9-16th February 2010.

There are 45% of people voted for the option ‘Not sure. Heard before but don’t know how it works’. Apparently, it indicates that most of the people have heard about phishing but they are not sure how phishing works.

While, there are 33% of the voters voted for ‘No. What’s that? A game?.’ This indicates that 33% of the people have no ideas about what phishing is. They even do not heard of that before.
Besides, the lowest percentage is 22%. There are only 22% of people know about phishing and how phishing works.

In short, we can conclude that most of the people have heard about phishing but do not know how it works. In that case, we are going to talk more about phishing in the coming post. Stay tune~

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lottery Scams

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Hey congratulations, you have won in lucky draw and you will soon receive a cheque worth $600,000 U.S. Cash!


Does it sound great? Yeah of course right?
How long do you need to work to earn cash worth $600,000 U.S. right? Some people make take the whole life to accumulate such amount and some people may take years to earn that.
And now just right in front of your eyes you don’t have to do anything or pay any effort in return to get something instead you will automatically get such big amount of money. I can frankly say that it is definitely a fraud. Remember that, there is no free lunch in this world everything needs us to work it out ourselves to get such good return. If we have such thinking in our mind we will definitely able to stay away from such scam.
Reference: Brett M.Christensen, Email Lottery Scams International Lottery Scam Information, [Online], Retrieved on 10 February 2010.

However lately we found out that In Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore do have lots of scam working out towards the citizens. Nearly every day when we open the newspaper the news on scam is just so visible and everywhere around us. Why people always fall in such scam have you ever think of it before? Actually sometime we actually able to identify it as scam especially when we read the newspaper we might be thinking why such people can fall into such scam it is just so RIDICULOUS.
Reference: Consumers Fraud Reporting Lotteries, [Online] Retrieved on 10 February 2010.

Yet when that incident really hits on us we do get con again. Normally such scam can successfully con us because we are greedy for such return that we do not need to do or sacrifice anything to get it. That’s why the humanity greediness is actually the main major that makes us fall in such scam. So we shall always remind ourselves there are no such thing as what we call money drop from sky or free lunch. This could at least prevent being the victim and the scam operators are the WINNERS. How do the scam operators work? They are smart to catch the interest of what people as bait to trap the peoples and one of the examples is through the lottery scam.
Reference: Lottery Scams, [Online], Retrieved on 12 February 2010

In Malaysia and Singapore it is legal for the citizens to buy lotteries. So many people will hope that they pay out such a small amount of money in order to hope that there will be a big return of money as this is the lottery objective that the people who in charge wants to fulfill. Of course they do earn a lot but buying lottery actually also gives many people a fresh hope that they will able to strike and this will at least help them to get a better life or fulfill some dreams. Especially when the economy is down even more and more people will wants to buy the lottery just get a chance to gamble their see whether they will have such good luck or not that they will get such amount of money to past through the bad economy. In this incident greediness takes place again!

So in all such incidents if the lottery that you need to use lesser money to but the prize to won is in high return will be the one that all the people will focus to buy on. Especially when they themselves have strong confident that they will going to hit it will be the one that will invest in a larger sum of money and at the same time if those scam operators call to persuade them to buy stakes foreign lotteries which for sure will get higher return if those lottery is from places like America, London or even Australia will be the best bait use to trap the peoples. As we know their currency is higher than us and for sure the return also will be much higher than that lottery we buy in our country here. This is why many people got con in the lottery scam. As this scam operators are very smart. They are able to speak very well with you through phone or explain carefully as if such thing really exists through sending email and websites to prove to you that there is actually such thing.

Nevertheless since the country are so far from us most of us won’t bother to check or take much notice about it because the money they spend might be a small amount and they thing such advance and rich country will not have such scam problem. This is what most people have in mind. This is why more and more victims got con in such lottery scam. Remember that, everything on websites can be created easily. Some may take few days, some may take few years. So remember we should only believe what we see in our own eyes and please do not invest on things that we are not reachable or contactable in our distance as these things involve money and money is one of the sinful thing that some of us cannot resist from it.

As the conclusion I would like to say is lottery scams is one of the most common types of email that we will always received in our email and some if the web can detect it might send to your junks to awake you that’s is actually a real JUNK. You will have to make decision to open it or not and to believe it or not. Thus I feel that each and every one of us must always be careful with all the things happening around us don’t take the news in the newspaper as just a story take it as a hint or advice that we will have to be more careful and caution with the incidents that almost the same hits on us. Especially those emails that tell you that you have won a large amount of money in an international lottery or some others that are more o less the same please do not be so innocent to believe it and get too happy over it as this will make us lost our mind very fast.

Those scam operators are very smart. They will not make you notice or awake from your dream as fast as they will take few times to contact with you and to persuade you into the trap that they had set earlier. Many of them will never run away from those common dialogues which will then or later on ask for personal details, identity of the bank accounts and those transferring fees transactions. So when u hears all this remembers to stay away and do not believe it. As you will regret later on if you trust and do what they say.
Reference: Paul Gill, The Top 10 Internet/Email Scams, [Online], Retrieved on 12 February 2010.



Thursday, February 11, 2010

Diet and Weight loss Scam

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“Lose 10kg in a week with no exercise and need not to go on diet!! Click here!”

Look familiar to you isn’t it? Seen this kind of advertisement in Internet before? It looks appealing, right? Feel like giving a try? Hold your step! Let’s ponder and ask yourself a few questions before you proceed to the ‘click’!

1. Will there be such effective products or treatment?
2. If it is really that effective, the whole world would be in amaze and keep talking about this product or treatment, right?

Undeniable, human tend to be attracted by promises that help to achieve something easily without effort. Hence, scammers exploit this mentality of people by creating these kind of ads in the Internet. However, don’t get trapped easily by doing some researches on that particular product.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), those advertisements or offers for a weight loss product is probably a scam. If...

1. You can lose weight quickly
Be skeptical of any advertisements that can guarantee you to lose more than 6kg per week. Avoid trusting these kinds of advertisements. Do remember that to lose weight healthily it takes time, you can’t expect it works just in a day or a week.

2. The product works for everyone
None of a single product that works for everyone including teas, herbal remedies and pills. Herbal teas can somehow help to curb the urge for snacks and assist in the diet program, yet, it can’t be treated as only source of meal. What is more, herbal ingredients aren’t regulated for effectiveness and safety by the US Food and Drug Administration.

3. Loss weight permanently and never diet anymore
To lose weight and maintain the body weight, one have to eat sensibly and of course a regular exercise is essential.

4. Melt away the fats or pounds
By applying cream, patch, gels or body wrap to an area of skin can melt away the fats in that particular body area isn’t proven scientifically. Even if with body wrap, it causes only a temporary loss of water due to excessive sweating. However, all the water has returned as soon as the person drinks enough.

Reference: Federal Trade Commission Official website, Facts for Consumer: Weighing the Evidence in Diet Ads [Online], Retrieved on 10th February 2010.

Remember. That a click can make a big change to your life. "A click can change my life? I think you are just making a mountain out of a molehill!" Well, you will never know you might lose your health, money or even your precious life just because of taking these products.

Again, need not to worry. In I-fraud monster, we will provide you to tips to stay away from the scams and avoid these scams to reach you. Below are several freeware you can download to block the those pop-up ads:

1. AdAware

2. Pop-Up Blocker


4. Pest Patrol (It helps to illiminate Spyware as well)

Reference:, Diet Pill Ads and Diet Scam Pop-Ups [Online], Retrieved on 10th February 2010. URL:
