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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Diet and Weight loss Scam

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“Lose 10kg in a week with no exercise and need not to go on diet!! Click here!”

Look familiar to you isn’t it? Seen this kind of advertisement in Internet before? It looks appealing, right? Feel like giving a try? Hold your step! Let’s ponder and ask yourself a few questions before you proceed to the ‘click’!

1. Will there be such effective products or treatment?
2. If it is really that effective, the whole world would be in amaze and keep talking about this product or treatment, right?

Undeniable, human tend to be attracted by promises that help to achieve something easily without effort. Hence, scammers exploit this mentality of people by creating these kind of ads in the Internet. However, don’t get trapped easily by doing some researches on that particular product.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), those advertisements or offers for a weight loss product is probably a scam. If...

1. You can lose weight quickly
Be skeptical of any advertisements that can guarantee you to lose more than 6kg per week. Avoid trusting these kinds of advertisements. Do remember that to lose weight healthily it takes time, you can’t expect it works just in a day or a week.

2. The product works for everyone
None of a single product that works for everyone including teas, herbal remedies and pills. Herbal teas can somehow help to curb the urge for snacks and assist in the diet program, yet, it can’t be treated as only source of meal. What is more, herbal ingredients aren’t regulated for effectiveness and safety by the US Food and Drug Administration.

3. Loss weight permanently and never diet anymore
To lose weight and maintain the body weight, one have to eat sensibly and of course a regular exercise is essential.

4. Melt away the fats or pounds
By applying cream, patch, gels or body wrap to an area of skin can melt away the fats in that particular body area isn’t proven scientifically. Even if with body wrap, it causes only a temporary loss of water due to excessive sweating. However, all the water has returned as soon as the person drinks enough.

Reference: Federal Trade Commission Official website, Facts for Consumer: Weighing the Evidence in Diet Ads [Online], Retrieved on 10th February 2010.

Remember. That a click can make a big change to your life. "A click can change my life? I think you are just making a mountain out of a molehill!" Well, you will never know you might lose your health, money or even your precious life just because of taking these products.

Again, need not to worry. In I-fraud monster, we will provide you to tips to stay away from the scams and avoid these scams to reach you. Below are several freeware you can download to block the those pop-up ads:

1. AdAware

2. Pop-Up Blocker


4. Pest Patrol (It helps to illiminate Spyware as well)

Reference:, Diet Pill Ads and Diet Scam Pop-Ups [Online], Retrieved on 10th February 2010. URL:



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