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Friday, February 5, 2010

The 'Free-Product' Internet Scam

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Who doesn’t like free gifts or goods? Everyone likes free stuffs especially we Malaysians. Imagine a click of a button and we can get free gifts and goods! Who doesn’t want to? However pause just minute, do things come as simple as that? This is what people fail to realize and always find themselves trapped in internet frauds online advertisements about free gifts.

Beware of free gifts online, it can come in many forms from free goods, phone cards, free vouchers holiday packages, even free Wi-Fi and etc. a typical ad will be asking you to answer survey questions, complete sponsor offers or refer to few friends. The goods are expensive and valuable however some consumer don’t ever get their free goodies at all.

These sites indicates that by answering survey questions and you’ll get free goods however its more likely that you’re been registered in a drawing to win the item. Careless people always get trapped to these types of frauds because the initial advertisement of the site misrepresents the process of getting the freebies. The ad makes it so simple and easy however in reality the survey they sign up for may be in pages and in the end don’t necessarily receive anything at all.

there are also sites which are free products with purchase where user will have to complete product offers free or paid, before releasing the free product, these sites may require friend referral . however its not as simple as it seems as these sites may come with strings attached- in the form of a charge in your credit card if you don’t follow certain rules set by the company. You may have to return or cancel within a specific time to avoid charges. Here are
few examples of sites:,,

Beware and make sure you only go to authorized sites here are few guidelines you can follow:

  • Go with names that you recognize

Go to sites that you heard before. If you never heard of the company’s name goggle the name with the word ’scams’. If it’s a scams there will be complaints or articles about the company.\

  • Get reliability report of the company

Uncover any complaints that have been filed under the name of the company from the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

  • Check for the contact information

Look beyond emails address or contact form, look for address and telephone numbers and try calling if there’s anyone picks up. You don’t want get it one where the company doesn’t want you to contact them.

  • Read the term and conditions and also the privacy policy

There might be hidden information and details that user may overlook at. Read every single line carefully especially regarding with your personal details.

  • Look for trust marks and seals

Online trust marks are icons that tell you that the sites meets third party standards.

References: When is the freebie offer really free?by Leslie McFadden, March5, 2007


by Tenesha


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