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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Poll Result is Out! (18/1-2/2/2010)

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Good day everyone, it’s time to reveal the poll result for the last week which is about the vacation packages through online. So this is the question we have asked,” Have you purchased any vacation packages through on-line and what do you think about it?” We have 5 options for voters to vote and there are, ‘Yes, but faced a lot of miss-communication and hidden charges that was not posted up’, ‘Yes, It’s easy, convenient, and trustable’, No, I will never purchase it online it’s just too risky’, ‘No, but will try it someday’ and others.

According to the poll result, we have received 15 voters in 7days. We can see that out of the 5 options only 3 options that have been chosen by the voters. As we can see that the highest votes in the bar chart are the bar which contains 47% which had answered ‘No. I will never purchase it online it’s just too risky’. From the results we could analyze that the percentage of the people who choose this may had bad experience when they purchase online or they might have listen to many bad experience or news about the online purchasing. Therefore this had made them lost confident in purchasing online.

Furthermore, there are 33% of people who had chosen the option 4 which is ‘No. But will try it someday. People who had chosen that might be because they felt that online is not trustable enough that they will dare to put in a large sum of money to purchase it online but they might want to try it using a small sum of money first. From this people who had try might gain more secure in investing or purchasing from this company. As lately there are too many fraud cases around that make the people lost confident in it but people are also wise enough to think that not all companies are bad and not trustable. So still they will hope to try 1 day.

Lastly, the remaining 30% of people had chosen ‘Yes. But faced a lot of miss-communication and hidden charges that were not posted up’. Although they are many successful company that are doing online trading and purchasing worldwide however they are also some failures due to the communications problems it is because each or everyone of us have different thinking or some may due to culture different in each country. As only through online with wording document including rules and regulations are pretty hard to get 100% understanding from all the customers. Therefore is still not prefect purchasing online compared to face to face purchasing however things can be change to be better. Many companies are doing online business as it is easier and faster for them to communicate and business with worldwide people all around.

As the conclusion it is pretty beneficial to purchase online but then many people are still feeling insecure purchasing online. The world is changing to be more and more advance day by day that make all the daily routine like purchasing to be easier and cheaper. So is advisable that everyone should try purchasing through online.


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