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Friday, February 19, 2010

Online Pharmacy Scam

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Have you ever heard of online pharmacy? What is an online pharmacy? If yes, do you trust purchasing medicine through online? There are many people nowadays loves to purchase medicine trust online because it is more convenience buy it online and they are also able to get the medicine that they want from other places through online. However, lately the benefit online pharmacies had been misused by people who had made many people got cheated. This is what we call as online pharmacy scam. This type of scams usually able to be identify as that people do this scams to the victims often persuade them by recommending them many different types of medicines and drugs in a very low price that able to attract and tempt them to buy it more and more. In addition there are also some victims that purchase that harmful medicine without any instructions and opinions from a doctor. Therefore these scams are very dangerous as it could actually causes human’s health and worst it may even causes death to a person.

There are always lots and lots of spam emails that convince people to purchase their medication through online transactions but actually the purpose of them doing so is to get the credit cards details of that victim or hoping to convince the victim to do cash transfer willingly to their account. So, for those people who ordered the products that they recommend from them through online without checking on it, it is very risky for them to consume it because it doesn’t provide any guarantee that prove the medication can cure and can be consume by them worst for people to is already very week it might cause unnecessary damage to the victims organ that will make health works badly.

As there is a case where there is a lady and she was one of the victims of scams like this. She found out a websites that she felt was really amazing where they sell medicine that could actually able to help her to cure her sickness but in the medicine box or the surface of the bottle it is without prescription but she just because she want to cure her sickness she went and purchase from this website and end up she got worst and her life time that doctor had predicted for her is even more shorter as the medicine had make certain parts of her body organs virus spread even more faster. This is the reason why her healths become worst after she consume. Remember never simply consume and medicine without any doctor’s advice or prescription.
Reference: Yvonne Rodenhiser,Spotting Online Pharmacy Scams: Learn from My Mistake, [Online], Retrieved on 17 Febuary 2010.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from these scams,
1)You should be more alert of the medicines offers not only through online but everywhere and much often have more encourage to seek for the care of professional like doctors and pharmacist.
2)Does not open any unsolicited links or email or even files that attached to them.
3)Do not enter any of your personal online account or credit cards information on a website that you are not sure whether it is a trustable website or not
4)Always check the website carefully because scammers always set up a fake website that looks very similar to the real websites to con the victims.

Reference: Online Pharmacy Tracker, Online Pharmacy Blacklist, [Online], Retrieved on 17 Febuary 2010.

Reference: Scamwatch,Fake online pharmacies, [Online], Retrieved on 18 Febuary 2010.


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